Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Does Rape Culture Have On Teenage Girls - 1965 Words

What Affect Does Rape Culture Have On Teenage Girls? Rape culture is defined as â€Å"the perception of rape myths, sexual objectification of woman, and the media’s legitimization of sexual aggression and violence against women.†(M. Hildebrand 2). It is the idea that being raped is somehow the person that was raped’s fault. The idea that if one dresses too provocatively or acts in a certain way, they are asking to be raped. It has an effect on people. It has an effect on teenagers. In a study conducted, over half of teenagers asked said that â€Å"if a woman dresses seductively and walks alone at night, she is asking to be raped.†(Pipher, et al 206). It has an effect on teenage girls, who have a hard enough time as it is. They should not have to worry that the shorts they are wearing are too short, or worry about walking alone at night, or know how to defend themselves with nothing but keys. Rape culture can affect how teenage girls and the people around t hem view and perceive the action of rape. A girl’s gender identity has the unfortunate ability to be molded by things around her, to be changed by rape culture. The idea that someone can be changed forever by something that is as ridiculed as rape culture, is truly frightening. From the beginning, girls are â€Å"weaker† than boys, destined for lives of Barbies and dress-up. â€Å"They spent minutes of their precious time combing our baby girl’s hair into a miniature topknot, tied with a pink ribbon. Her gender life was already underShow MoreRelatedFeminism : A Feminist Perspective1321 Words   |  6 PagesDo you have a vagina? And do you want to be in charge of it? If you said yes to both, then congratulations -- you re a feminist! (Kingston). People who advertise feminism in this manner are exactly how feminists have reached the point they are today. 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